anyseals - where distributors go
anyseals is your trusted partner for all products or questions related to seals. Our service is based exclusively and consistently on the specific needs of the technical trade.
Our anyseals software has been especially adapted for trade with seals and ensures maximum transparency and depth of information for every product and order. Our eShop - with all its extras - is available for you at all times.
But direct contact with our customers is important for us. Which is why we have dedicated people at anyseals who are ready to talk to you personally – providing advice on products, helping you solve technical problems, or answering your questions about orders. We are looking forward to hear from you.
With you anywhere in the world.
- We have a global presence so we can offer our national and international customers the best support. The anyseals headquarters is in Merchtem near Brussels. This is where our experts take care of inspections of incoming goods, quality assurance, storage, order processing and shipping.
- We have a branch office in Hamburg especially for the German-speaking countries.
- USA, Canada and Mexico are covered by our team in Cleveland, Ohio.
- Our office in Taiwan handles distribution in East Asia and also guarantees the standard quality of products through its direct links with our producers in the region.
- The anyseals group is an independently operating channel of the Angst+Pfister network. This strengthens our position with production partners and access to raw materials and seals around the world, helping us to deliver reliability to our customers.

State-of-the-art warehousing for optimum availability.
A substantial warehouse capacity and very efficient processes allow the optimum availability of our products.
The anyseals warehouse has been equipped with state-of-the- art technology. The fully automated high-rack storage systems are completely enclosed.
As a result, we can guarantee storage in accordance with DIN regulations, even if temperatures fluctuate.
In order to guarantee sorting accuracy and traceability, the individual production batches are stored separately and identified using a barcode system.
Much more than just standard.
There will always be some jobs that need individual solutions. anyseals offers not only standard but also engineered products according to customers drawings, produced to meet your own specifications.
These may be pure elastomer parts, rubber-metal or rubber-plastic compounds, moulded flat seals, rings cut from tubes or elastomer coatings for metals.
What can we do for you?

Extensively tested quality.
All of the anyseals suppliers as well as our own production plants are certified to ISO (ISO 9001:2015 and IATF 16949). What’s more, our high quality standards stipulate further tests in the modern anyseals laboratory. All of the products and materials can be clearly identified and traced through their batch and material numbers.
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Materials to cater for every wish.
NBR, HNBR, evolast (FFKM), FKM, EPDM and many more. anyseals has a wide range of materials for both standard applications as well as for very specific challenges.